
Unrestricted Trust-based Participatory Core Matching funding

In all their diversity, funders in the philanthropic sector use a wide variety of ways to support social and environmental projects. We aim to connect researchers and practitioners to advance knowledge about different grantmaking practices.

The first project of the Center for Grantmaking Research examines the consequences of unrestricted funding. The Dutch Charity Lotteries have been funding nonprofit organizations with long-term unrestricted grants since 1990. In the first project, we map the advantages and risks of this approach in a multi-method study. 

We are very much open to proposals for new research projects. In our view, the Center for Grantmaking Research is a place where knowledge is shared about varying ideas, approaches and practices. Future projects could involve, but are not limited to:

  • Participatory grantmaking
  • Trust-based philanthropy
  • High-engagement philanthropy
  • General operating support
  • Social impact bonds
  • Micro financing
  • Impact measurement
  • Nonprofit accountability and accounting
  • Reporting requirements
  • Evaluation, data analysis and evidence-based grantmaking
  • Matching grants

Please contact us if you want to propose a project!